Cost: $2,000 - £1,610.63
(Conversion rate will vary daily)

Please read carefully. We adhere strictly to our terms and conditions
Registration form/Terms and conditions must be completed and agreed to or signed and emailed prior to payment.

Pay by Cashier’s Check, Bank Bill Pay, Credit Card, or PayPal
We do not accept Personal Checks.
We do not accept cash.
Partial Payments are not accepted.

All Funds paid to BACAA are nonrefundable and nontransferable.
Please note housing, accommodation, and transportation are the responsibility of each student.
(BACAA recommends students purchase travel insurance for unforeseen incidents)
The program cannot make recommendations for student accommodations in London and is not responsible for any housing, accommodations, or transportation.

Pay now via PayPal or credit card


To download a PDF version of the Terms and Conditions, and to register via email or postal mail click here:

BACAA Carlo Russo UK 2025 registration form (PDF)